Neil Nitin Mukesh and his girlfriend Miss India winner Ankita’s brawl at Riteish Deshmukh’s brother’s wedding reception has been making the rounds of the media. The issue is quite hit nowadays. At the recent wedding reception of Riteish’s brother in Mumbai, Neil reportedly had a hazardous fight with girlfriend Ankita Shoery that turned much heated up that the girl even slapped the boy (as per reports).
There are a number of versions of this fight are in the market of media but majority lands on one which is as under:
Ankita was quite annoyed with the actor since he broke his promise of introducing Anikta to the producers at the wedding reception (as Bollywood brigade was there) since she wanted to have her entry into Bollywood (as beauty queens normally do in India). She started shouting at Neil saying that he had embarrassed her a lot. She said to him that you were supposed to introduce her to various filmmakers at the party but you were even sidelining me and not introducing at all. Besides this, Ankita got much annoyed at Neil when instead of coming along with her at the party, he came with Puja Gupta. Neil’s being much candy with Pooja at the party also irked Ankita Shorey a lot. She was even heard saying that she was sending her driver to fetch her stuff. She uttered that all was over between them.
Neil denied all these reports saying that there was no fight at all between him and Ankita. He said she was not his girlfriend rather a good friend and they both shared a same friends’ circle. He said he was just trying to pacify her. He went on saying as far as introducing her to producers was concerned, he did not have any Godfather in industry thus all had to try to find their own way. But he would help her in whatsoever way, he could.
Ankita too changed the story and denied all the reports circulating in the media. Well, these are methods used quite a lot to avoid the truth.